During one of the interactive sessions with the cream of Ndi Anambra in Ikoyi, Lagos before the November 6, 2021, peaceful, free, and fair Anambra governorship election, Governor-Elect Cee Cee Soludo rattled them to the reality that Lagos is not sustainable.
In the 2021 edition of The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) Global Liveability Ranking, Lagos was rated second to last out of 140 cities studied as the least livable city. The study is usually premised on urban quality of life, based on an assessment of stability, healthcare, culture and environment, education, and infrastructure. In the same study under reference, the first 10 livable cities are as follows: Auckland, Osaka, Adelaide, Wellington, Tokyo, Perth, Zurich, Geneva, Melbourne, and Brisbane. From the foregoing, we can begin to visualize where we are going. Lagos curiously is not in the scheme of things.
Unknown to many, Soludo’s vision of transforming Anambra State into a one-state Megacity might have been informed by the fact that more than 80% of global GDP is generated through cities. Therefore, making the Anambra One State Megacity more livable and productive is thus, one of the best strategies for growing the Anambra economy and improving the welfare of the people. It is further envisaged that with collaboration at all levels, the One Anambra Megacity can attract investments, generate gainful jobs, boost productivity, and power economic growth. We are sure that by now, you can begin to see the correlation between liveability and prosperity, the two beautiful wings of his grand vision.
As we pointed out with reference to the earlier mentioned interactive session, location shapes life expectancy. This perhaps, informs why people invest where they can live. The critical factors that mark out livable cities are as follows:
- Residents feel safe, socially connected and included.
- Environmental sustainability
- Access to affordable and diverse housing options linked via public transport, walking and recycling infrastructure, gainful employment, education, local shops, public open space and parks, health and community services, leisure and cultural activities. There is no doubt that urban degeneration in Onitsha, Awka, Nnewi, Ekwulobia, etc pose a challenge, but through urban regeneration projects, these centres can be more livable. Soludo says that Okpoko, a suburb of Onitsha will be a pilot project in his urban regeneration agenda.
We are delighted by the deluge of positive responses we have so far received on the subject. Chidi Nwafor, accountant, strategist and Prince of Ndikelionwu has imputed an organization design that will aid the actualization of the Anambra Smart Megacity project. Chidi and many others believe fervently that we can pull this chestnut out of the fire and collectively take the glory.
Yes, the Soludo Anambra where we can live happily, learn happily, work happily, invest happily, and enjoy happily is possible and now beckons.
Be of good cheer!!
Joe C. Anatune
Writes from Awa.