The Role ICT will play in creating a liveable and prosperous Anambra state

By: Ifeoma Anidebe
The world is now a global village ruled by advancements in information and communication technology (ICT). ICT stems from the term IT (information technology). Communication was incorporated into the name because it emphasizes communication and the integration of telecommunications such as telephones, computers, software, audiovisual, middleware, etc that allows people to access, transmit, comprehend, and send information.
How can ICT develop the Anambra state?
Recently, there has been a unanimous increase in the investment in ICT amongst world powers and developed countries like South Korea, the USA, Germany etc. Now, this is due to the fact that the world’s attention to sustainable growth and development is now gearing towards technology and all its advancements. ICT can functions perfectly in all sectors of the state; healthcare, social, education, and economic issues, and even in our everyday lives.
In the health sector, ICT enhances the quality of healthcare, increases the security of the patient’s data and information, and reduces the cost of operation. Through ICT, data of patients can be transferred to a consultant at a fast rate for added opinions and solutions to the patient’s condition. This system equally allows the doctors to track and monitor the patient’s diagnostics reports and current health conditions. It makes interactions with the Doctors easier and quicker. ICT in health research aids in detecting diseases and viruses in the state and helps in fishing out possible ways to contain the virus and eradicate it in the long run. For example, ICT played a major role in the detection of Coronavirus, the making of self-help kits, and the production of vaccines that helped the world. The technology of the diagnosis equipment helped save lives and time when it occurred.
In our everyday lives, ICT plays a major role in aiding faster communication and sending across information amongst people, friends, foes, and families. Prior to the time when smartphones were not invoke, letters would take weeks or months to get to the receiver hence, communication was slow. In this recent times, information has progressed farther than just a phone call and SMS. Now, applications, software, websites, and social media are the leading ICT mediums that help spread information at the speed of light. Today with the use of ICT, one can shop for everything in the comfort of their homes from any online shopping outlets, get information before CNN and BBC from the internet, send and receive information quickly using various social media sites, and organize meetings with people at various parts of the world using applications like zoom, track down a place or a person with Google map, make friends around the world through Facebook and other social media platforms, find jobs and send your CVs online all because of ICT. With the provision of an app that can allow a person to report crimes and alert the police within seconds, the bad roots of the state will be uprooted within days. This is one way ICT can develop the Anambra state and attain for us a liveable state that we all want.
In the areas of education, ICT enhances the effectiveness of learning. It provides an easy way to gather and source information pertaining to any kind of research. Also, technology advanced learning classes have proven to be more stimulating than traditional classes due to the worth and interactivity it brings. Anambra students are undoubtedly the smartest in the country but with the infusion of Information and communication technology (ICT) into their education, they would no doubt be the best in Africa and ultimately in the world.
In Nigeria, there are several companies that are into the Development of software, applications, and websites that enhances ICT in the country. One of the leading companies Henmark Information Technology limited provides a wide range of web design and development services, Mobile App development, and social media management. Their skills and excellent services in ICT for over thirteen years have taken this country to a point of utmost development and growth in the areas of Information and communication technology. Their dedication and professionalism in handling the ICT projects show just how much they need for transforming Anambra state and Nigeria at large is deeply engraved in them. They have worked with Government and private companies in the country to help achieve one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations which is to advance third-world countries like Nigeria.