Thank You Mr. GOVERNOR.


The build-up to 2021 and the electioneering was gritty, grimy, and, once in a while, exhilarating. Under such circumstances, we thought there needed to be some sunshine brought to the readers even if temporarily. So we adopted the terse sentence, Be of good cheer, for the purpose.

So when Mr. Governor approved my appointment as MD/CEO of Anambra Signage and Advertising Agency, it was a torrent of sorts of goodwill messages. Little did we know that we have created such a huge community of believers.

Once more we thank Mr. GOVERNOR for the honor and trust. To our teeming community of believers, be rest assured that you will continue to be of good cheer notwithstanding of the thrills of fully being a hidden Persuader once again.

Joe C Anatune

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