By : Ifeoma Anidebe .
Masquerades are called (Mmanwu) in Igbo land. In the English dictionary, masquerades referred to people or persons wearing costumes and masks for entertainment but for Ndi Anambra, spirits rather than humans reside and control the masquerade.
Masquerades are classified according to their specialization. They possess certain distinct qualities that separate them from each other like; youthfulness, old age, mystical powers, warrior, etc. These masquerades entertain people, and guests at traditional weddings, festivals, burials, coronations, and awarding of titles. They are accompanied by drummers and flutist who plays and sings energetic songs. They are mostly covered from head to toe with masks, raffias, bamboo rafters, pieces of clothing etc. Their customers can be intimidating, beautiful, warrior-like, or scary depending on the character they are portraying. The following are the masquerades you should expect to see at an Anambra celebration.

  1. IJELE MASQUERADE: Ijele is the biggest, largest and most popular masquerade in Anambra state and the whole Igbo land. It is known as the king of all masquerades. It was once listed in the UNESCO archives as an “intangible cultural element in need of urgent safeguarding”. It is said that 45 other masquerades performed on top of Ijele in the olden days but it has now be replaced with 45 figurines designed on top of Ijele.
    According to the natives, Ijele is a family of four; The father,.mother, police and palm wine tapper. Due to the heat Ijele might face, it is often accompanied a fan carrier and a band group called “Igba-eze” for music. The group uses instruments like Ogene, ubom, Ekwe, Oja , drums to make the masquerade dance and entertain the music.
    The fabric of Ijele is called Ododo. It is expensive and usually bright colors of yellow and red. Animals, trees, the man basically human activities are carved and depicted on Ijele to show it’s royalty, majestic nature, might, and greatness. The masquerade performs at burials of Kings, prominent men, and women in the society, festivals, etc.
  2. IZAGA MASQUERADE: Izaga is said to be the tallest masquerade in Anambra state and all of Igbo land. Its extremely long legs give it the ability to stand gigantically amongst other masquerades. As the Izaga masquerade can make itself tall, it can also make itself short as a way to entertain and scare the people at the same time. This masquerade is mostly seen in traditional events and is held in high regard in the same level as Ijele.
  3. AGABA MASQUERADE: This masquerade is also referred to as mgbedike meaning “time of the brave or strong”. The heavy masks, power, and youthful glow they possess portrays the strength and prowess of a warrior. They are often accompanied by band of Ogene and oja players with energetic songs that makes adds vigor to the masquerade’s performance. The name Agaba has transcended from just a masquerade to a name used to eulogize or commend a man for beings strong.
  4. IGARIGA MASQUERADE: The Igariga masquerade is used during the ofala festival and the funeral of a titled man. They are often covered from head to toe with black net-like material and raffias on their wrist and ankles. Their signature costume is the cane they carry to scare off people.
  5. AGBOGHO MMUO MASQUERADE: Agbogho in Igbo means young lady and mmuo is spirit. So from the name, one can easily translate what the masquerade represents. It is believed that dead maiden spirits resides in the masquerade. The mask is decorated with hair combs, female hairstyles and hair ornaments of the 19th century. With the exaggerated female costumes, the masquerade performs and.imitates female dance moves and pays homage to both alive and dead maidens.
  6. MMANWU UGO MASQUERADE: From the name, one can easily guess what the masquerade means and what it might look like. As I said earlier, mmanwu means masquerade and Ugo means eagle. Eagle masquerade a popular masquerade in Anambra state. The costume assumes the appearance of an eagle and is displayed in festivals and ceremonies.
  7. MGBADIKE MASQUERADE: This masquerade acts as a warrior. It’s costumes, moves and attitude portray warriors. It is often seen with a cutlass, axes and its guide does a spiritual performance on it where a cutlass is used to open its mouth without causing any pain or injury to the masquerade. This performance is what people look forward to whenever the mgbadike masquerade graces an event with it’s presence.
  8. ULAGA MASQUERADE: This masquerade is rarely seen at events and occasions. Although it is a well-known masquerade in Anambra state, it only shows itself at burial ceremonies of titled men as a sign of respect to pay homage to them.

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