The Solution Is Here For you as Soludo Takes Office As Mr Governor Today.


Something unprecedented has happened in the political history of Anambra State. For more than two years, self- funded support groups pounded the length and breadth of the state clamouring that Cee Cee Soludo should join the race for the 2021 governorship election. The support groups were motivated by two factors; firstly, the dwindling revenue from the federal government, and secondly, the impact of COVID-19 on the global economy. Soludo was adjudged as the leader best suited for the post-COVID-19, post-oil economy and 4th industrial revolution era. His national and international track records spoke eloquently for him. It was the general consensus that whoever might step into Obiano’ s shoes might not have the lesiure to experiment. Soludo was expected to hit the ground running from day one. In the course of this campaign to draft him, Soludo’s name became a hurricane.

He later accepted to run and embarked on one of the most refined campaigns ever conducted in the state which was premised on the contestation of ideas and values. It was therefore no surprise that he won the ticket to fly the flag of the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) and subsequently won overwhelmingly the November 6, 2021 governor election described as the most peaceful, most transparent and fairest in recent times in Nigeria. It is worthy of note that in the course of the election campaign, Soludo made it clear that the campaign will only demand 5% of his time while the remaining 95% will be devoted to serving the people. He is coming in under a groundswell of goodwill, support and very high expectations of the people.

Today, Soludo and his deputy – youthful Onyekachukwu Ibezim – will be sworn in as Governor and Deputy Governor respectively. It is both historic and memorable because it is yet another change of baton from one APGA government to another APGA government. More importantly, it is a movement for change initiated and clinically executed by the people. It is therefore no surprise that Soludo will govern under the philosophical underpinning of One Anambra, One People and One Agenda. He will seek to deploy 4th industrial revolution technology and big data to tackle the challenges of paucity of healthcare facilities, shortage of housing, safe and clean drinking water, education that meets global standards, upscaling products and services in Anambra to meet the tastes and preferences of the global consumers, ensuring that our towns and cities are clean and that the people breathe clean and fresh air, and many more. He will seek to bring Onitsha back to its preeminence as West Africa’s centre of commerce as envisioned by our founding fathers. He will upgrade Okpoko, Anambra’ s biggest slum settlement.

Now what is Soludo’s vision for the Anambra he will superintend for the next four years? True, he is ingenious and pragmatic about it. Anambra has the smallest landmass after Lagos which is threatened by erosion and flooding and habited by about 179 communities. The state is fast approaching the 10 million population target which will automatically make it a megacity. So against the backdrop of these local realities and global trends, Soludo envisions a liveable and prosperous Anambra smart Megacity that will be holistically developed to become an enchanting place to live happily, learn happily, work happily, invest happily and enjoy happily. He already has his hands on the plough and as he begins his stewardship today as the servant leader of Ndi Anambra, he invites all to join him in the gritty but rewarding journey to a liveable and prosperous homeland.

For sure, Soludo Solution is here for you. It will bring happiness, make us proud and imbue us, in the words of late Dr K. O Mbadiwe, with “psychological glorifications”.

Be of good cheer!!

Joe C Anatune
Writes from Awa

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