I know you must have heard the phrases “women helping women”, “women supporting women” or “what a man can do, a woman can do better”. This is most at times used to appraise women for their efforts, support, and help they have rendered as opposed to the archaic old-fashioned phrase “a woman’s place is in the kitchen” that conjoins with the efforts to suppress women’s achievements in society.

International women’s day is an annual global holiday set aside on March 8  by the united nations to remember the cultural, political, and socio-economic achievements of women of any age, race, and color. It points the torch on issues plaguing women in society. Issues like gender equality, reproductive rights, and violence against women aim to neutralize them for a conducive and equitable society.

This year’s theme which was centered on “Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow” helps in addressing the bias women face in several spheres of life to create an equitable, fair, and impartial working environment, home, life, political positions for them.

It is no doubt that women are still very much unappreciated and undermined in our society today judging from the numerous rape cases, domestic violence cases, etc. So the question that should be on everyone’s mind today is “have I treated my wife, sister, female friends the right way?” Have I set an equitable working environment for my female staff? Am I breaking the bias and setting the right example today?

The chairman of the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) Anambra branch Dr. Emeka Odogwu in his goodwill message motivated young women to celebrate themselves regardless of the bias they may face in society. He emboldens women to work harmoniously with the men to push aside all forms of gender biases that tend to undermine their abilities. He inspired them to champion education in a bid to get rid of drug abuse and unwanted pregnancies amongst teen girls. In his last words, he moved the “women supporting women” motion as he encouraged the women not to allow the younger women to wallow in self-destructive ignorance but rather mentor them to become better versions of themselves.

So as Anambra News celebrates women today, as the world celebrates women today, I urge you to do the same. Celebrate your female friends, your mom, sister, staff, etc. Celebrate their flaws, weakness as well as their strengths and efforts. #breakthatbiastoday.

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