People from all walks of life and from all types of political affiliations and ideologies supported Prof. Charles Chukwuma during the recently concluded Anambra State gubernatorial elections. This was illustrated through the large margin of victory he used to secure the highest seat in Anambra state, Executive Governor.

A large contingency of those said voters cast their ballots for “Charly Nwa Mgbafor” because they felt that the Professor could bring foreign investment into the state. Many felt that the inflow of foreign investors would significantly improve the overall economy of the state thus improving the everyday life of the average Anambranian.

Those people are not wrong. As a member of over 40 national and international financial advisory boards and as a former Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria, Prof. Chukwuma Charles Soludo is in the perfect position to create an enabling environment that would be attractive to foreign investment. His connections with the “who’s who” in both the private and public sectors, both domestically and internationally is a valuable tool that will help facilitate the task if the incoming administration decides to make it a priority.

Despite all these positive mitigating factors, the attraction of foreign investment by the incoming government is NOT A MUST! Why do we have to wait for outsiders to come in and develop our own state? All of Nigeria’s major cities were developed by ‘Ndi Igbo’ with ‘Ndi Anambra’ at the forefront. Why then would outsiders develop our own cities for us?

In terms of personal/individual wealth, Anambranians are amongst the richest people in Nigeria if not the world. We are at the forefront of both private and public enterprises in countless countries. We own a huge number of the capital-intensive projects that exist in Nigeria and we have remarkable investments all over the globe. When will we cherish our own place as much as we cherish other places?

Let this be a clarion call…EVERYONE SHOULD THINK BACK HOME! Collectively, we have the resources to transform the state but we need to find the will. With the help of the Anambra State Government led by Prof. Soludo, investing in Anambra would be a wise decision. If Anambra is good enough to be a hub for international investment, it should be a prime spot for domestic investment as well.

Hon. Prince Chido John Nwankwo
(Okunagbaofia na Nawfia)

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