TRANSITION: Soludo adopts Innoson as his official car, deepens eyes on local weaven akwaete


By Izuchukwu Adichie.

It was at Nnewi’s palatial home of Chief Cletus Ibeto, on Thursday, 21 June, 2021, in the presence of Chief Innoson Chukwuma; CEO of Innoson Vehicles Manufacturing, that Cee-Cee Soludo publicly declared his intention to adopt Innoson as the government official vehicle maker. We had accompanied Soludo for a campaign in Nnewi North where he met with APGA delegates and had a courtsey visit afterwards.

With only about 130 days between election day and the inauguration, the Governor-elect has continued to show insights into his government’s economic transformation agenda. He has re-assured that as the chief marketing officer of “Made In Anambra Brands” Innoson Motors will be his official vehicle maker as a governor. Soludo’s reason is to help in retaining more money in his state, improve the domestic economy through creation of more jobs and also taxes accruing to the state. This policy is an indication that Anambra will become the world’s economic melting point.

Soludo’s first public appearance on locally woven akwaete was on Tuesday, June 1, 2021 when Joe Anatune, his chief spokesperson had predicted Soludo would appear in APGA House Abuja wearing his signature white senator or a fitting T- shirt or the APGA apparel. Soludo beat us to the game wearing the locally woven akwete to procure his Expression of Interest and Nomination forms. Today, he has popularize the fabric!

By popularizing the fabric, he is set for an impressive economic growth in Igboland. The trajectory is clear that Soludo is not under promising when he said he would be producing one thousand youth millionaires each year as governor. He has also re-affirmed commitment on his administration promotion of home made products.

As the state is ready for a new dawn and a new life, with Cee-Cee Soludo set to take on challenging leadership role, it is certain that ndi-Anambra will be proud of the ‘Soludo Brand’ as they are ready to work and partner with his incoming government. Ndi-Anambra are at the moments of extreme happiness because of the choice of Soludo, words alone cannot express the love for the choice they made.

We saw and witnessed the natural love, likeness and chemistry flow during the campaigns. No wonder, the people defied all odds, came out enmasse and voted for him amidst the threats of insecurity.

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