It takes a LIFETIME to realize that one’s DAD WAS THE BEST

WHEN I WAS 4 years old, I knew my dad to be THE BEST…

WHEN I was 6, I also knew Dad to have known it all…

WHEN I was 10 years of age, I knew Dad to be good.

WHEN I was 12 years I began to think that Dad wasn’t as good as he was when I was a little boy…

WHEN I WAS 12 years old, I began discovering him to be more temperamental and strict as never before….

WHEN I WAS 16, I was convinced that he was an old school, and was not up to standard – to the current times we live in….

WHEN I turned 18, I thought Dad was very intolerant and hard to communicate with & also difficult to get along with…

WHEN I turned 20, I realized that he wasn’t an easy person, and began wondering how Mom was able to put up with him in all the years of marriage…

WHEN I turned 25, it seemed like he had many objections to everything that I did….

WHEN I turned 30, I was convinced that we were not on the same page, and that nothing would ever please him…


WHEN I turned 40, I then only began to realize how good my upbringing was, and that I should also raise my kids up in the same way…

WHEN I was 45, I started wondering how did Dad ever put up with all the challenges he faced with us whilst we were growing up …

WHEN I became 50, I realized how difficult it was for Dad to have educated us and trying to instill good manners
in us, thus I began wondering how he managed to tolerate our excesses

WHEN I was 55 years of age, I only then started realizing the wisdom & foresight my Dad had of life in getting us to where we are today…

When I turned 60, ONLY then did I eventually realize that MY DAD WAS THE BEST

It takes a lifetime to realize the true status of our father. It takes us a lifecycle to really appreciate our father.

The difference being, as teens growing up, we selfishly view life within the confines of our own interests, whilst our father view life selflessly, sacrificing everything for us.

Sadly, we sometimes fail to understand that our father is always our well WISHER.

At 40 only, do we then start to realize that what we believed when we were 4 to be true…

Some are yet fortunate to have realized their father’s true value whilst their father is living, whilst others have unfortunately realized when it was too late – their father has departed from this world; It’s a painful guilt to live with.
So children, please listen to, obey and honour God (your heavenly father) and your earthly father WHO LOVES you and sacrifices all for your good

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